Sun 20 Sep

It felt a little odd to be watching the frills and trills of Molly Goddard through a screen, there is usually something so deliciously palpable about her presentations. Last season, we were gathered around dining tables, breaking bread and drinking wine! A world away from today.
Nevertheless, Goddard managed to host a filmed show that exuded all things, Molly. The soundtrack brilliantly mimicked that of a party, the colour palette was powerful pinks and new, vibrant green, the frills compact and layered upon sheer tulle. The green found its way onto new clogs and striped cardigans that were layered purposefully haphazardly under and over dresses.
The accessories, which began creeping into Goddard’s collections two seasons ago, were strong in this collection. That, when up against overflowing ruffles and large silhouettes, is saying something. Ruffled bags in miniature and cross-body are truly the final frontier for Goddard as they provide an entry-point for those who can’t splurge on a saccharine pink or cream dress. This was a brilliant step-up for Goddard, just when you’re not sure how a brand will evolve, particularly in times like these, they surprise you with a collection that wows.